
Contact Info:
Email -
Cell -240-520-1974


Language: JavaScript/HTML

Github link

In this project, I chose to recreate a version of Pac-Man that was one of my own. This project included multiple concepts taught in my Computer Graphics class, including: object collision, timing/queues of audio events, user interface/interaction, and basic 2D modeling to successfully create my own version of Pac-Man. I found this project to be incredibly enjoyable, as I got hands on experience with JavaScript and got to create a game many of my friends and family members enjoyed playing.

Antivirus Program

Language: Python

Github link

In this project I aimed to create a my own mock version of a antivirus program implementing Yara signature detection. This project is not yet complete, as more advanced features (GUI, signature database, multithreaded searching) will take a re work of my code in order to be properly implemented. I've enjoyed this project very much so far, and have thus far created a very simple command line search engine that will trigger on all files containing the string 'test'. I've configured the starting directories appropiately for each OS, and search them using Python's directory 'top down' search approach. I look forward to continuing this project and having a more complete product once more work has been completed on this website.

Automated Email Service

Language: Python

Github link

In trying to come up with some way I could keep my team members updated on their training while I was away at Fort Knox over the summer I realized I wanted to implement a Python script that could somehow send emails to each team member each week with their corresponding training. In setting out to do this, I obtained and implemented a Raspberry Pi that runs on my own home network that has all Excel files for my team members and the python script that sends these emails every Monday at 0800 (automated using Cron). Accomplishing this felt very rewarding, and receiving feedback from my team members on how much it helped them throughout the summer encouraged me to look for more projects where I could automate tasks to help both myself and others in some way.


Language: HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Github link

Of course every Computer Science student dreams of their own website they built from scratch that they themselves host, so I did just that! Slowly realizing the potential of my small Raspberry Pi I realized I could host my own website on a webserver on my Raspberry Pi. This was accomplished via port forwarding to my PI where it would have all HTML and other required files ready to send back to whoever was requesting to see my webpage. In addition, because I am using Google Domains for hosting my Domain name, I have a script on the Pi that will automatically check for DNS updates every hour and let Google know if there have been any changes. This all of course is still a work in progress, as I am just now still developing the backbone of the website via HTML before moving on to CSS and JavaScript to make my website actually visually appealing. Sure, there are plenty of easy to use website building tools available, but it's so much more fun doing it yourself!