Work Experience:

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Student Technician

Location: Loyola University Maryland

Duration: 2016 - Present

While working at Loyola as a Student Technician I have had experience troubleshooting issues students encounter on sides relating to both hardware and software. These issues include: Wifi connectivity, HD and SSD repair/data replacement/transfer, virus detection/removal and application troubleshooting on both Windows and Mac platforms. Along with this, I have gained inccredible experience working with 'customers' that has tested my ability to work both alone and with my team members to solve issues encountered by students.

Software Engineering Intern

Location: Raytheon

Duration: 2018 - Present

In looking for some sort of programnming job in a military/government associated company I applied for the National Security Scholarship Program. It was through this process I successfully obtained a T.S. security clearance which would allow me to receive an offer from Raytheon working as a Software Engineer in their cybersecurity field. Since I've started, I've gotten to work with projects concerning: antivirus characterization, malware signature detection and reverse engineering. I hope to continue my work and experience in this field so to one day be able to call it my career.