Education History:

Contact Info:
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Cell -240-520-1974

St. Maria Goretti Logo

High School:

GPA: ~3.76

I attended high school at St. Maria Goretti, located in my hometown Hagerstown, Maryland. I graduated from there in 2016, while I simultaneously accepted the Natioal Army ROTC 3-Year Scholarship which would allow me to contract with the Army at the start of my Sophomore year of college.

High School Graduation Cross Country Team Photo


Greyhound Batallion Logo
GPA: ~3.55

For almost four years now I've attended Loyola University Maryland, where I major in Computer Science while minoring in Mathematics. While in school, I take part in our Army ROTC program on campus, serve as our Army Ten Miler Team captain, UAV Club Co-President, and member of our Cybersecurity Club. In addition, I work part time in our Technology Services department as a Stduent Technician. I thoroughly enjoy the work I do in my Computer Science and Math related coursework, along with the physcial and mental challenges of ROTC.

Loyola University Maryland Banner Army Ten Miler Team Picture